
If a subtitle line is already on screen when a cut starts, it won't display

LolicoreExpress opened this issue · 4 comments

Since english isn't my native tongue, I have a bit of a hard time describing this so I made a little mockup in paint:
Capture d’écran 2021-11-08 123458
If a subtitle line is already ongoing across Cut 1 and Cut 2, it won't display on Cut 2. Only Subs Line 2 will display on Cut 2.
You see what I mean ? 🤔

Actually, no. Hold on. I'm not sure exactly what's wrong with what I'm looking at, give me second xD

Well, nevermind. I can't really pinpoint what went wrong so I'll keep quiet for now and come back if it happens again and I can identify it precisely...

This is a known issue with ffmpeg, I implemented a custom class to pre-slice the subtitles to keep these small gaps, I'll take a look when I look into the 'section with no subs failing' issue.

Oh, okay. Thanks !