
Stream Copy produces corrupted video when joining multiple subclips

LolicoreExpress opened this issue · 5 comments

Joining multiple subclips together using the Stream Copy feature seems to produce a corrupted video. Specifically at the transition between each clip. Have a look.

Yes this is expected, it's a matter of luck (or rather the lack of it) as to how bad this is, I'd not recommend using multiple clips in stream copy unless you feel sufficiently lucky.

Oh okay haha. Too bad, I was starting to like this feature more and more despite this 😅

It's fast but it doesn't escape the usual 'lossless' downsides of possible joining artefacts and clamping to keyframes.

https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut is very much the gold standard for lossless slicing.

I see. Oh well, can't be helped then.

Lol for some reason my brain did not register the link you put.
Thanks for the recommandation I'll check it out. I guess this can be closed then ^^