
Send draft paper for final approval

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Current aim is to submit on 26 Sep.


baad <- readRDS("output/baad.rds")

details <- authorDetails(baad$contact, ".")

content <- sprintf("Dear %s,

We are finally ready to submit our data paper 'BAAD: a Biomass And Allometry Database for woody plants' to Ecology, for which you kindly contributed data. I'll submit on Friday 26th Sep, so the purpose of this email is circulate a final draft and offer you a final chance to raise any concerns. If don't hear from you within the week,  I will assume you are happy for us to submit. A draft of the final paper is attached.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback you submitted as part of our recent review process. Fortunately there were no major concerns, and we have tried to incorporate all the minor changes you suggested.

With best regards,
Daniel Falster (on behalf BAAD organising committee)",  paste(details$authors, collapse=", "))

email(content =   content,
        subject = "Biomass and allometry database: final presubmission notice",
        to =  "remkoduursma@gmail.com",
        bcc=  details$emails,

Done at ddfba52