
Julia 1.0 support

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Just wondering if there is some effort to port the code to Julia 1.0?

dfdx commented

Yes, it's planned, but schedule is somewhat unclear since I'm quite busy with other projects right now. I'll try to take a look at it this or next weekend.

No worry, I'm in the same boat with ClimateTools.jl :)


I actually started porting the code to Julia 1.0, but there is still one test that it doesn't pass and I haven't been able to fix that. If you want, I can make a PR and then you can continue working on that.

dfdx commented

It would be awesome, thanks!

Please add 0.7 support, if 1.0 is difficult to achieve. I am new to Julia, and would be great to skip 0.6 for my new project.

dfdx commented

Master of Spark.jl currently works on both - Julia 0.7 and 1.0 on Linux, see build log for example. Most likely it also works on Windows given correct environment configuration, but I don't want to tag a new version until we are certain about it.

aviks commented

I'd say tag it. I haven't seen many people running spark on windows, and I haven't seen anybody run it on windows on production. I run many things on windows, but I wouldn't even begin to install Spark on it. And since no one has stepped forward to settle this (we only know about this issue since we test on Appveyor), I would strongly recommend we tag it now

dfdx commented

Sounds reasonable. PR for the tag: JuliaLang/METADATA.jl#19426

aviks commented

Spark.jl v0.4.0 has now been tagged with 1.0 support.