
ast_10x fails

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I got stuck with the 10x steps of the Asset pipeline. All other parts of the pipeline (i.e. identifying gaps and ends, PacBio support, HiC support) work well.

However, when I get to the
$asset/bin/ast_10x -x gaps.bed $prefix.bam > 10x.bed
step, I get the following error message:

Program starts
[M::aa_10x] processing bam file
[M::proc_bam] finish processing 2121039345 bams
[M::proc_bam] read pair counter: 1000860477
[W::aa_10x] none useful information, quit

As I have a (admittingly unnecessary) large number of 10x reads, my $prefix.bam file is 260GB large. Also, what I saw is that in the gaps.bed file, all scaffolds have a gap at the first (0 0) and last position. Is that normal?
