
Access property containing spaces

Closed this issue · 8 comments

mb21 commented

Am I missing something or is there no way to access a property containing spaces? I tried two things:

> JSPath.apply("['hello world']", { 'hello world': 7 });
Error: Unexpected token "["
> JSPath.apply(".$name", { 'hello world': 7 }, {name: 'hello world'});

I think it would be great to add the obj['prop'] syntax in addition to obj.prop. To remain consistent with obj[0], it should probably also return an object instead of an array.

mb21 commented

There is also no way to access a property containing a colon.

Yes, you are missing :)
You can use " for that purpose. Your path can be written like this:

JSPath.apply('."hello world"', { 'hello world': 7 });
mb21 commented

Thanks, that worked and should probably be mentioned in the README somewhere. Also, how would you go about getting a property that contains a ", e.g. { 'hello "world"': 7 }

It seems right now you have no ability to select property with name containing "

I've added issue about ": #26

mb21 commented

Thanks, the issue is at #26

Oh, thanks, fixed

I've added info about using of non-alphanumerical characters for properties in readme