
Bug: access-hello/main.mo uses no longer supported Prim.caller function.

crusso opened this issue · 3 comments

Bug: access-hello/main.mo uses no longer supported Prim.caller function.

The example code in


code file:


uses Prim.caller to access the installer of an actor. Prim.caller was an interim hack to support the asset canister but has since been removed from Motoko (because it would allow any code, even a third party library, to discover the caller).

To continue to compile, the example should be rewritten to use an actor class and shared pattern to access the installer of the actor. This restricts access to the caller to code that is explicitly given access.

The code should look something like this:

// Import base modules
import AssocList "mo:base/AssocList";
import Error "mo:base/Error";
import List "mo:base/List";
import Prim "mo:prim";

shared { caller = initializer } actor class() {


    // private let initializer : Principal = Prim.caller();


This tutorial example needs to be rewritten.
In addition to the Prim.caller issue (I attempted to fix it by just inserting the shared { caller = initializer } actor class() { line in place of the actor { line and commenting out the private let initializer : Principal = Prim.caller();, line) but it looks like the example also uses deprecated object syntax with several warnings like this:
access_hello/main.mo:7.8-7.32: warning, object syntax is deprecated in this position, use '({...})'

Example that builds but throws warnings looks like this:

// Import base modules
import AssocList "mo:base/AssocList";
import Error "mo:base/Error";
import List "mo:base/List";
import Prim "mo:prim";

shared { caller = initializer } actor class() {

    // Establish role-based greetings to display
    public shared { caller } func greet(name : Text) : async Text {
        if (has_permission(caller, #assign_role)) {
            return "Hello, " # name # ". You have a role with administrative privileges."
        } else if (has_permission(caller, #lowest)) {
            return "Welcome, " # name # ". You have an authorized account. Would you like to play a game?";
        } else {
            return "Greetings, " # name # ". Nice to meet you!";

    // Define custom types
    public type Role = {

    public type Permission = {

    private stable var roles: AssocList.AssocList<Principal, Role> = List.nil();
    private stable var role_requests: AssocList.AssocList<Principal, Role> = List.nil();

    func principal_eq(a: Principal, b: Principal): Bool {
        return a == b;

    func get_role(pal: Principal) : ?Role {
        if (pal == initializer) {
        } else {
            AssocList.find<Principal, Role>(roles, pal, principal_eq);

    // Determine if a principal has a role with permissions
    func has_permission(pal: Principal, perm : Permission) : Bool {
        let role = get_role(pal);
        switch (role, perm) {
            case (?#owner or ?#admin, _) true;
            case (?#authorized, #lowest) true;
            case (_, _) false;

    // Reject unauthorized user identities
    func require_permission(pal: Principal, perm: Permission) : async () {
        if ( has_permission(pal, perm) == false ) {
            throw Error.reject( "unauthorized" );

    // Assign a new role to a principal
    public shared { caller } func assign_role( assignee: Principal, new_role: ?Role ) : async () {
        await require_permission( caller, #assign_role );

        switch new_role {
            case (?#owner) {
                throw Error.reject( "Cannot assign anyone to be the owner" );
            case (_) {};
        if (assignee == initializer) {
            throw Error.reject( "Cannot assign a role to the canister owner" );
        roles := AssocList.replace<Principal, Role>(roles, assignee, principal_eq, new_role).0;
        role_requests := AssocList.replace<Principal, Role>(role_requests, assignee, principal_eq, null).0;

    public shared { caller } func request_role( role: Role ) : async Principal {
        role_requests := AssocList.replace<Principal, Role>(role_requests, caller, principal_eq, ?role).0;
        return caller;

    // Return the principal of the message caller/user identity
    public shared { caller } func callerPrincipal() : async Principal {
        return caller;

    // Return the role of the message caller/user identity
    public shared { caller } func my_role() : async ?Role {
        return get_role(caller);

    public shared { caller } func my_role_request() : async ?Role {
        AssocList.find<Principal, Role>(role_requests, caller, principal_eq);

    public shared { caller } func get_role_requests() : async List.List<(Principal,Role)> {
        await require_permission( caller, #assign_role );
        return role_requests;

    public shared { caller } func get_roles() : async List.List<(Principal,Role)> {
        await require_permission( caller, #assign_role );
        return roles;