
Motoko - arguments

Eve832 opened this issue · 2 comments

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Problem with the "favorite cities" section
⏚ [evemeelan:~/Desktop/repos/location_hello] master(+3/-3)* 46s ± dfx canister call favorite_cities location '(vec {"San Francisco";"Paris";"Rome"})' Cannot find canister id. Please issue 'dfx canister create favorite_cities'. ⏚ [evemeelan:~/Desktop/repos/location_hello] master(+3/-3)* 255 ± dfx canister create favorite_cities Cannot find canister 'favorite_cities'. ⏚ [evemeelan:~/Desktop/repos/location_hello] master(+3/-3)* 255 ± Jun 11 20:19:43.929 WARN s:/n:/ic_crypto_internal_csp/proto_store WARNING: deleting key with ID KeyId(0x9889c62d56755cf056ade1501315b6075569b4d7762b2aae1e4b29b87174c721) with scope Const:NiDkgThresholdKeys

⏚ [evemeelan:~/Desktop/repos/location_hello] master(+34/-34)* 255 ± dfx canister call favorite_cities location '(vec {"San Francisco";"Paris";"Rome"})' The replica returned an HTTP Error: Http Error: status 404 Not Found, content type "", content: Requested canister has no wasm module ⏚ [evemeelan:~/Desktop/repos/location_hello] master(+34/-34)* 255 ± dfx deploy Deploying all canisters. All canisters have already been created. Building canisters... A canister with the name 'location_hello' was not found in the current project. ⏚ [evemeelan:~/Desktop/repos/location_hello] master(+34/-34)* 255 ± dfx deploy Deploying all canisters. All canisters have already been created. Building canisters... A canister with the name 'location_hello' was not found in the current project. ⏚ [evemeelan:~/Desktop/repos/location_hello] master(+31/-36)* 255 ±