
Large integer are changed, even if only other parameter are touched

ujaehrig opened this issue · 2 comments

When running an assign on a JSON with a large integer, the integer is changed. This might probably be caused by handling it as a double?


echo '{"id":6000000000000002181,"flag":false}' | rq --format=compact 'assign { "flag":true }'

results in:


Hey @ujaehrig, yes this is due to the fact that Javascript only supports representing numbers up to 2^53-1 (usually encoded as a double but not necessarily). Not sure how to solve this tbh...

Yes, I checked the specs in the meantime and saw that JSON has only the double precision number type. My example had used Java-Jackson as JSON processor which can also handle long ints.
Nevertheless, it's unfortunate, that rq changes the value, even it's not touched directly. Maybe a warning (something like "int number too large" or "int number precision loss") could be the first solution?