
serde_avro - Access Header Details?

pulltab opened this issue · 4 comments

I have a rather simple example of pulling length prefixed binaries off the wire and parsing Avro:

    let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(4000);
    let payload_size_in_bytes = match reader.read_u32::<BigEndian>() {
        Ok(i) => i as usize,
        Err(_) => return,
    buf.resize(payload_size_in_bytes, 0);
    if reader.read_exact(&mut buf).is_err() {

    match serde_avro::de::Deserializer::from_container(&buf[..]) {
        Ok(avro_de) => {


        Err(e) => {
            trace!("Failed to deserialize container: {:?}", e.description());

After constructing the deserializer successfully, is it possible for a user to get at the header details in anyway? I am interested in examining the "type" value indicated in the header.

I guess the parsed Header struct could be preserved in the deserializer, would that work for your use-case? How would you like that to look?

Just posting so that folks know I haven't forgotten about this thread.

I hope to have something to propose by end of week.

Warning - I am only journeyman level when it comes to Rust.

I made an attempt here -#171.

rq now uses avro-rs.