
Return result as filesystem::path?

lethal-guitar opened this issue ยท 2 comments

This library looks really good, nice work! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป And thanks for sharing the code. I'm considering switching to this one for my project.

While reading the API, I was wondering if you'd be open to providing the result as std:: filesystem::path instead of std::wstring (maybe via an additional function, like GetResultPath or similar)? The library is already using the filesystem header internally, after all. And having a path object would be nice for when you intend to do some more manipulation on the resulting path, or if you need the path as UTF-8 encoded string etc. The latter can be obtained easily via the std:: filesystem::u8string function, whereas it's more complicated to do with a std::wstring.

Thank you so much!
I recoded part of the library so now the GetResult() method returns std::filesystem::path. This way you can easily obtain the UTF-8 encoded string. I've also completely switch from std::wstring to UTF-8 encoded strings internally so that Dear ImGui can properly display the filenames (issue #4).

Nice one, thanks! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป