This repository contains Deep Learning based Articles , Papers and Repositories for Recommendation System.
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paper - Learning Distributed Representations from Reviews for Collaborative Filtering by Amjad Almahairi. RecSys 2015
paper - A Multi-View Deep Learning Approach for Cross Domain User Modeling in Recommendation Systems by Ali Mamdouh Elkahky. WWW 2015
paper - Joint deep modeling of users and items using reviews for recommendation by L Zheng. WSDM 2017
paper - Hybrid Collaborative Filtering with Neural Networks by Strub. CoRR 2016
paper - Neural Semantic Personalized Ranking for item cold-start recommendation by T Ebesu.
paper - Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations by Paul Covington. RecSys 2016
paper, code - Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems by Heng-Tze Cheng. DLRS 2016
paper - DeepFM: A Factorization-Machine based Neural Network for CTR Prediction. IJCAI2017
paper, code
- Deep content-based music recommendation by Aaron van den Oord. NIPS 2013
paper - Hybrid music recommender using content-based and social information by Paulo Chiliguano. ICASSP 2016
paper - TransNets: Learning to Transform for Recommendation by Rose Catherine. arXiv 2017
paper - Convolutional Matrix Factorization for Document Context-Aware Recommendation by Donghyun Kim, Chanyoung Park, Jinoh Oh, Seungyong Lee, Hwanjo Yu, RecSys 2016.
paper, code - Representation Learning of Users and Items for Review Rating Prediction Using Attention-based Convolutional Neural Network by S Seo.
- Collaborative Recurrent Neural Networks for Dynamic Recommender Systems by Young-Jun Ko. ACML 2016
paper - DeepPlaylist: Using Recurrent Neural Networks to Predict Song Similarity by Anusha Balakrishnan.
paper - Ask the GRU: Multi-task Learning for Deep Text Recommendations by T Bansal. RecSys 2016
paper - Representation Learning and Pairwise Ranking for Implicit and Explicit Feedback in Recommendation Systems by Mikhail Trofimov arXiv 2017
paper - Collaborative Filtering with Recurrent Neural Networks by Robin Devooght. arXiv 2017
- Hybrid Recommender System based on Autoencoders by Florian Strub. DLRS 2016
paper - Deep collaborative filtering via marginalized denoising auto-encoder by S Li. CIKM 2015
paper - Trust-aware Top-N Recommender Systems with Correlative Denoising Autoencoder by Y Pan. 2017
paper - Collaborative Denoising Auto-Encoders for Top-N Recommender Systems by Y Wu. WSDM 2016
paper - A Hybrid Collaborative Filtering Model with Deep Structure for Recommender Systems by X Dong et al. AAAI 2017
paper - Collaborative Recurrent Autoencoder: Recommend while Learning to Fill in the Blanks by H Wang et al. NIPS 2016
paper - VBPR: Visual Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback by R He et al. AAAI 2016
- Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Collaborative Filtering by Ruslan Salakhutdinov. ICML 2007
- A Neural Autoregressive Approach to Collaborative Filtering by Yin Zheng et all. ICML 2016
paper - Collaborative Filtering with User-Item Co-Autoregressive Models by Chao Du et all. AAAI 2018
- Meta-Prod2Vec - Product Embeddings Using Side-Information for Recommendation by Flavian Vasile. RecSys 2016
paper - Embedding Factorization Models for Jointly Recommending Items and User Generated Lists by Da Cao et al. SIGIR 2017
- A Survey and Critique of Deep Learning on Recommender Systems by Lei Zheng.
- 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning for Recommender Systems , 27 August 2017. Como, Italy.
- Deep Learning for Recommender Systems by Balázs Hidasi. RecSys Summer School, 21-25 August, 2017, Bozen-Bolzano. Slides
- Deep Learning for Recommender Systems by Alexandros Karatzoglou and Balázs Hidasi. RecSys2017 Tutorial. Slides