
Just curious if this is going to be updated...

Opened this issue · 10 comments

For ember 1.0, ember data revisions, and perhaps rails 4? This would be a fantastic app to learn ember and db persistence with.

dgeb commented

That's definitely the plan. Although I've been short on free time this week, I'll try to upgrade it soon.

I definitely want to do it too. For me, there are two issues before I begin. The first one is I think ember-data is not yet stable enough and at the moment, I currently take care of my 1 week old daughter almost the whole day :)
Perhaps this coming week, since I'm on paternity leave, if all is ok, I'll try to do it.

dgeb commented

@sly7-7 I think you can spend your week with your daughter instead :) @CodeOfficer tells me that he's almost done with a PR to bring this project up to date, but is waiting on the new ActiveModelSerializer-compatible adapter to be finished up before submitting it.

I appreciate all the feedback. Keep me updated!

I'll ping back here when it's ready for a PR :)

@CodeOfficer A big thanks :). I just saw you created a branch, if you need anything, do not hesitate, I will do my best to help.

Rockin, thanks @sly7-7!

I mostly just need Ember Data Beta to stabilize ... can you get that done by monday? ... chuckles

That's too easy, so I let this trifle to @wycats ;)

@CodeOfficer Need any help on this update? I would love to lend a hand

Just an update. The work I've been doing is here:


I'm kind of waiting on Ember Data Beta to proceed. I don't see much point in making this app an example of how to hack around missing functionality. There are a couple of meta tickets that I would like to see resolved first. I'm happy to discuss with anyone who'd like to look into it further, otherwise I'll continue plugging away at it as EDB evolves. I was holding out for Beta 3, but it didn't fix much that was holding me up. Maybe Beta 4 will be further along.

Meta Relationships Issue


  • Bidirectional relation sync (#1302, #1330)
  • Inverse clearing (#1303)

Meta Rollback Issue


  • Async and rollback (#1283)
  • Resetting after failure (#1271)
  • Rollback and invalid (#1354)