
Easy to use AMQP wrapper for PHP providing full support for RabbitMQ integration patterns.

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Small library that intends to abstract common AMQP usages. Also provides integration and interoperability between the two major amqp implementations available in php:

The current implementation abstracts the lower level components like queues, exchanges, channels and connections, allowing access only to a set of useful operations on those components.

  • listen - allows blocking listening on a specified queue
  • publish - allows publishing on a specific exchange

What is the point of offering a bridge between the two implementations?

The reasoning is simple: offer a library that does not necessarily require php-amqp extension or php-amqplib. So the point in the end is flexibility. In the mean time, since the php-amqp extension does not offer support for a few features present in some of the brokers (like RabbitMQ) we wanted to give the option to use something that offers this support.


  • implement options for publishing messages (immediate and mandatory)
  • implement basic examples for most of the patterns showcased on the rabbitmq website


The configuration needed for the library allows you to define most of your infrastructure in one go, automatically detecting dependencies between various components. The dependency detection is based on:

  • bindings - queue to exchange and exchange to exchange
  • alternate-exchange argument - during exchange declaration
  • dead-letter-exchange argument - during queue declaration

Full set of configuration options are present below:

        host: 'localhost'
        port: 5672
        vhost: /
        login: guest
        password: guest
        connect_timeout: 0
        read_timeout: 0
        write_timeout: 0
        heartbeat: 10               # option is only available for php-amqplib and php-amqp >=1.6beta3
        keepalive: true             # this option is available only for php-amqplib
        prefetch_count: 3           # available in the connection level although is a channel option
        publisher_confirms: false   # publisher waits for ack

        name: 'global'
        connection: 'main'      # the identifier for the connection to be used along with this exchange
        durable: true
        type: 'topic'
        passive: false
        arguments: [
            'alternate-exchange': 'ae'
        name: 'global'
        passive: false
        durable: true
        exclusive: false
        auto_delete: false
        arguments: [
            'dead-letter': 'dl'

ATTENTION: The arguments do not reflect the reality and they depend on the broker implementation. Please look them up in your broker specification.

Configuration default values


  • host - localhost
  • port - 5672
  • vhost - /
  • login - guest
  • password - guest
  • connect_timeout - 0
  • read_timeout - 0
  • write_timeout - 0
  • heartbeat - 10
  • keepalive - true
  • prefetch_count - 3
  • publisher_confirms - false


  • name - no default
  • connection - no default
  • durable - true
  • type - topic
  • passive - false
  • arguments - []


  • name - no default
  • passive - false
  • durable - true
  • exclusive - false
  • auto_delete - false
  • arguments - []

Publishing properties

  • mandatory - false
  • immediate - false

Listening properties

  • consumer_tag - no default
  • multi_ack - false
  • auto_ack - false

How to use it

The configuration:

$config = [
              'connections' => [
                  'main' => [
                      'host'                => '',
                      'port'                => 5672,
                      'login'               => 'admin',
                      'password'            => 'mort487',
                      'vhost'               => '/',
              'exchanges'   => [
                  'global' => [
                      'name'        => 'global',
                      'connection'  => 'main',
                      'durable'     => true,
                      'type'        => 'topic'
                      'passive'     => false,
              'queues' => [
                  'debug' => [
                      'name'        => 'debug',
                      'passive'     => false,
                      'durable'     => true,
                      'exclusive'   => false,
                      'auto_delete' => false,
                      'bindings'    => [
                          ['exchange' => 'global', 'routing_key' => '#'],
                          ['exchange' => 'global', 'routing_key' => ''],

How to use the php-amqplib adapter:

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$adapter = new \Amqp\Adapter\AmqplibAdapter($config);

$msg = new \Amqp\Message\Message();
$msg->setHeaders(['x-foo' =>'sfgsd']);

$adapter->publish('global', $msg);
    function (MessageInterface $msg, Amqp\Message\Result $result) {

How to use the php-amqpext adapter:

use Amqp\Adapter\ExtAdapter;
use Amqp\Consumer;
use Amqp\Message\MessageInterface;
use Amqp\Publisher;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$adapter = new ExtAdapter($config);

$publisher = new Publisher();
$routing_keys = ['foo', 'bar', 'foo.bar', 'bar.foo', null];

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    $msg = new Amqp\Message();
    $msg->setPayload('Message ' . $i);
    $publisher->publish('global', $msg, $routing_keys[rand(0, count($routing_keys) - 1)]);

$consumer = new Consumer();

$consumer->listen('debug', function (MessageInterface $msg, Amqp\Message\Result $result) use (&$i) {
        'payload'    => $msg->getPayload(),

    echo 'test' . PHP_EOL;

echo 'Finished' . PHP_EOL;