
IPS Test Assignment

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

IPS Test Application



To smoothly start app please make sure that you have locally installed:

  • Docker
  • docker-compose
  • PHP ^7.1.3


Add following entries to your /etc/hosts: ips_test_mariadb ips-test.local

Being in the project directory, copy the .env.example as .env:

cp .env.example .env

Configure missing values there like APP_KEY and Infusionsoft credentials named as:


Then run:

composer install

Start the environment with help of Docker:

docker-compose up or docker-compose up -d

Please note that after starting with the later command (in background), you might need to wait few more second before running db:seed, since migrations are being run automatically in the Docker container after it started via the entrypoint but output is not visible.

Now you also have to authorize your application to work with Infusionsoft. In order to do that visit your project under {PROJECT_URL}}/authorize_infusionsoft, most likely it will be:


When it's authorized run the following command to seed DB tables (Infusionsoft connection required here):

docker exec -it ips_test_app sh -c "php artisan db:seed"

And that's it, you should be ready to go. Now run the tests:



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