
Rakefile:94-103: Enable xcop when xml/html files will be added to the project. So far there is no profit. require "xcop/rake_task" desc "Validate all XML/XSL/XSD/HTML files for formatting" Xcop::RakeTask.new :xcop do |task| task.license =...

0pdd opened this issue · 1 comments

0pdd commented

The puzzle DEV-b61521b4 from #DEV has to be resolved:


Lines 94 to 103 in effb8df

# @todo #/DEV Enable xcop when xml/html files will be added to the project. So far there is no
# profit.
# require "xcop/rake_task"
# desc "Validate all XML/XSL/XSD/HTML files for formatting"
# Xcop::RakeTask.new :xcop do |task|
# task.license = "license.txt"
# task.includes = %w[**/*.xml **/*.xsl **/*.xsd **/*.html]
# task.excludes = %w[target/**/* coverage/**/* wp/**/* test/resources/*]
# end

The puzzle was created by rultor on 21-Jun-22.

role: DEV.

If you have any technical questions, don't ask me, submit new tickets instead. The task will be "done" when the problem is fixed and the text of the puzzle is removed from the source code. Here is more about PDD and about me.

0pdd commented

The puzzle DEV-b61521b4 has disappeared from the source code, that's why I closed this issue.