Max TT RAM and CPU speed supported?
danboid opened this issue · 1 comments
danboid commented
Could you please update the README with the max amount of TT RAM and a list of CPUs that your board supports please?
I watched one of you videos and it seems it supports at least up to 128 MB RAM but is any more than that supported?
PS Have you got a spare Falcon I could buy off you please? :D
dh219 commented
Hi there.
The firmware as it stands supports 64 (2x32) or 128 (2x64) MB of TT-RAM.
In terms of CPU it supports only a PGA128 MC68030. The board has been tested up to 50MHz with the CPU normally being the limiting factor. Oscilaltors between 32 and 50 MHz should work providing the chip supports them. It may work below that, but I've not tested that region.