QR Code Generator and Decoder

This is a simple command-line tool written in Go for generating and decoding QR codes using the skip2qrcode and tuotooqrcode packages.



Generate QR Code

To generate a QR code, use the following command:

go run main.go -mode=generate -input="YOUR_TEXT_HERE" -output="output.png"

Replace "YOUR_TEXT_HERE" with the text for which you want to generate the QR code. The output will be saved in the file specified by the -output flag (default: qrcode.png).

Decode QR Code

To decode a QR code, use the following command:

go run main.go -mode=decode -input="input.png"

Replace "input.png" with the filename of the QR code image you want to decode.

Building from Source

Make sure you have Go installed on your machine.

1. Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/dhawal-pandya/qrcode-generator-decoder.git

2. Navigate to the project directory:

cd qrcode-generator-decoder

3. Build and run the project:

go build
./qrcode-generator-decoder -mode=generate -input="YOUR_TEXT_HERE" -output=output.png


skip2qrcode for generating QR codes
tuotooqrcode for decoding QR codes

Feel free to contribute or report issues!