
v5.0.0 Migration Warning

dhershman1 opened this issue · 8 comments

Hello! I am writing this issue to hopefully warn everyone using this package that I think I'm going to split it up into 2 packages.

I really really really hate the way the code works between Vue 2 and Vue 3, so I think I'm going to dedicate vue-debounce to Vue3, and then I'll make a new package with which name I shall list here at a later date when this project starts.

Thank you for the support and downloading of this silly little tool!

You can now start migrating to the new package here: vue2-debounce

Edit: It's finally here! #85

Is this the same for vue 2.7?
It should backport some compatibility from vue 3.

This package is still backward compatible as of right now, I haven't made any clear jump to starting the conversion as I just haven't had the free time.

The idea here is because of the way Vue2 handles plugins or directives like this package is a little bit different than how vue 3 does it. Mostly verbiage and how the install functionality works. Right now vue-debounce has a whole bunch of overhead to try and get you the right version of the directive you need to use for your instance of vue.

I don't like this because it relies on strings, and manually getting the version from the user, kind of stinky. Hence the main reason I want to break up the package

Oh, I thought they also mostly backported in 2.7 how plugins/directives are handled in 3.

I'm not 100% sure, but I'll double-check before I commit to anything, if it is the same then this package would support 2.7 as well, I believe would be the ideal solution (maybe)

That would be nice.
Vue 2.6 is end of life. (2.7 will be on 2023-12-31).


It looks like with my very light digging, that vue 2.7 still uses the same verbiage as the rest of vue2, which does line up. So I don't think vue-debounce would support 2.7 but vue2-debounce (linked above) will continue to support it after v5 of this package releases (You can also choose to just use the current version of vue-debounce for the foreseeable future if needed, but it wouldn't receive patches or chore updates like vue2-debounce would)

luckily vue-debounce is dependency less so it shouldn't have any security risk from third party packages, unless it itself happens to fall into one (which is unlikely)

Hopefully, that makes sense if its gibberish please feel free to ask any more questions and I will do my best to answer or look into them! :D

Oh, sad to hear and thank you for the clarification :D

v5.0.0 has released