
Final package of apps for Drobo NAS devices


Final package of apps for Drobo NAS devices

This is the final package of all DroboApps for 2nd generation Drobo NAS devices. These should work on Drobo 5N. 5N2, and 810n. There are newer versions of some of these apps delivered by the community, but these are the final versions of the apps as delivered by Drobo Inc. I am storing them here as they are no longer available from Drobo since their bankruptcy.

List of apps: apache aria2 bash BitTorrent_Sync couchpotato crashplan DroboAccess DroboPix dropbear elephantdrive fileshadow firefly git headphones htop java8 koken locale mailserver-1 mailserver mc minidlna mono myDrobo mysql nano netsnmp nfs nodejs nzbget owncloud p7zip par2 perl5 plex proftpd pydio python2 python3 QuikFynd ResilioSync RetrospectBackup ruby2 sabnzbd screen sickbeard svn transmission twonky unrar wordpress wsdd