nested-changes event not fire.
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Bind the event on model with nested-changes. If dynamically adding property after binding mention event, it is not fire.
Nested-change event is switched off be default on the latest. You need to turn it on explicitly. Can you share a snippet of what you are tring to achieve?
I enable the nested-change event using Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_NC = true;
I created BackupModel with attribute backupId, backupname, sourceAddress, destinationAddress,...
Created object of BackupModel and bind the all property change event on same.
After backup initialize , some dynamic attribute added like percentage and backup status.
I want to monitor this two attribute change event, but this attribute change event not fire,,
I used the following code.
Backbone.Associations.EVENTS_NC = true;
var backupModel = new BackupModel();
//some code here...
//THIs code never called
Please note : percentage and backupStatus not available at the time of creating instance of backup model and binding 'nested-change' event.
Can you please create a jsfiddle so I can take a look at the issue?