Performance issue when added to lualine
Closed this issue · 3 comments
crhf commented
After adding zoom#statusline()
to lualine, cursor movement becomes laggy. Here's the profile:
FUNCTION zoom#statusline()
Defined: ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-zoom/autoload/zoom.vim:67
Called 1896 times
Total time: 0.231913
Self time: 0.210157
count total (s) self (s)
1896 0.220414 0.198658 if s:is_zoomed()
return get(g:, 'zoom#statustext', 'zoomed')
1896 0.002003 endif
1896 0.001847 return ''
FUNCTION CursorHold_Cb()
Defined: ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/FixCursorHold.nvim/plugin/fix_cursorhold_nvim.vim:19
Called 91 times
Total time: 0.041464
Self time: 0.009055
count total (s) self (s)
91 0.002783 if v:exiting isnot v:null
91 0.000249 endif
91 0.003394 0.002906 set eventignore-=CursorHold
91 0.032464 0.000873 doautocmd <nomodeline> CursorHold
91 0.001247 0.000919 set eventignore+=CursorHold
FUNCTION CursorHoldTimer()
Defined: ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/FixCursorHold.nvim/plugin/fix_cursorhold_nvim.vim:37
Called 901 times
Total time: 0.043519
Self time: 0.043519
count total (s) self (s)
901 0.016988 call timer_stop(g:fix_cursorhold_nvim_timer)
901 0.007554 if mode() == 'n'
901 0.013901 let g:fix_cursorhold_nvim_timer = timer_start(g:cursorhold_updatetime, 'CursorHold_Cb')
901 0.001782 endif
FUNCTION <SNR>102_is_zoomed()
Defined: ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-zoom/autoload/zoom.vim:1
Called 1896 times
Total time: 0.021755
Self time: 0.021755
count total (s) self (s)
1896 0.019939 return get(t:, 'zoomed', 0)
count total (s) self (s) function
1896 0.231913 0.210157 zoom#statusline()
901 0.043519 CursorHoldTimer()
91 0.041464 0.009055 CursorHold_Cb()
1896 0.021755 <SNR>102_is_zoomed()
count total (s) self (s) function
1896 0.231913 0.210157 zoom#statusline()
901 0.043519 CursorHoldTimer()
1896 0.021755 <SNR>102_is_zoomed()
91 0.041464 0.009055 CursorHold_Cb()
The issue goes away if I remove vim-zoom from the status line.
dhruvasagar commented
@crhf What if you removed FixCursorHold.nvim
dhruvasagar commented
@crhf The plugin also mentions it is no longer needed. Do you have some custom cursorhold event setup ? vim-zoom does not do anything with any of the cursor events
dhruvasagar commented
@crhf Closing since there's no response, assuming it is no longer an issue.