
Tools -> Chests -> Pity Timers errors

alexyuscott opened this issue · 2 comments


Throws the attached error.

Note that it "works" (although very empty) if no userdata loaded

Version 3.00

This has been fixed in my build for you.


This was caused by a change in the JSON structure so the data was no longer being read correctly.

ShowPityTimers() {
	pitylist := ""
	pityjsonoutput := "{"
	jsoncount := 0
	for k, v in (UserDetails.details.stats) {
		if (InStr(k,"forced_win_counter_")) {
			if (jsoncount > 0) {
				pityjsonoutput := pityjsonoutput ","
			jsoncount += 1
			pityjsonoutput := pityjsonoutput """" k """:""" v """"
	pityjsonoutput := pityjsonoutput "}"
	pityjson := JSON.parse( pityjsonoutput )
	pityjsonoutput := "" ; Free Memory
	newestchamp := JSON.stringify(UserDetails.details.heroes[UserDetails.details.heroes.MaxIndex()].hero_id)
	newestchamp := StrReplace(newestchamp, """")
	chestsforepic := 1
	while (chestsforepic < 11) {
		if (chestsforepic == 1) {
			pitylist := pitylist "Epic in Next Chest for:`n "
		} else {
			pitylist := pitylist "Epic in next " chestsforepic " Chests for:`n "
		currentchamp := 14
		currentcount := 0
		currentchest := 0
		currentpity := ""
		while (currentchamp < newestchamp) {
			currentchest := "forced_win_counter_" ChestIDFromChampID(currentchamp)
			for k, v in (pityjson) {
				if (k = currentchest) {
					currentpity := v
			if (currentpity = chestsforepic) {
				pitylist := pitylist ChampFromID(currentchamp) ", "
				currentcount += 1
			switch currentchamp {
				case "17": currentchamp += 2
				case "29": currentchamp += 2
				case "66": currentchamp += 3
				default: currentchamp += 1
		if !(currentcount) {
			pitylist := pitylist "(None)`n"
		} else {
			StringTrimRight, pitylist, pitylist, 2
			pitylist := pitylist "`n"
		chestsforepic += 1
	MsgBox % pitylist

That appears to work nicely! Thank you!