
usb-ser-mon.py not found

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I believe I followed the install directions but I'm not able to run usb-ser-mon.py

This is on Raspbian 4.14.24-v7

~/usb-ser-mon $ ./usb-ser-mon.py -l
bash: ./usb-ser-mon.py: No such file or directory
~/usb-ser-mon $ ls
LICENSE  Makefile  MANIFEST.in  README.md  setup.cfg  setup.py  tox.ini  usb_ser_mon

Usb-ser-mon got packaged recently. You should find usb-ser-mon.py in the usb-ser-mon directory. So try ./usb-ser-mon/usb-ser-mon.py

Ok - except the directory as installed is ~/usb-ser-mon/usb_ser_mon and the file usb_ser_mon.py

Some big inconsistencies in dash vs underscore in the filenames (and readme)

Sorry about the confusion. I tend to prefer using dashes in the filenames, but python doesn't like them. i.e. you can't import a python file with a dash in it. usb-ser-mon was one of my first big python projects and I had named it with dashes. The python files got renamed to use underscores so that they could be imported. I'll take another look at the docs and fix things up.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.