
Unable to Run DIAMBRA Env on Mac

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello Team,

I'm attempting to run the DIAMBRA environment locally on my MacBook Air, but it's failing with the following error. I've followed the setup instructions provided here: https://docs.diambra.ai/gettingstarted/#running-the-environment

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 4 59 20 PM

The Docker container was successfully initiated as well.

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 5 03 56 PM

colosseum diambra run -r ~/.diambra/roms diambra_arena_gist.py
🖥️ Starting DIAMBRA environment:
🖥️ logged in
v2.2: Pulling from diambra/engine
Digest: sha256:6b5df5c9522553a4505bf0b6b0f837dd2f945de1b0b6390d83fdf24e317de643
Status: Image is up to date for diambra/engine:v2.2
Stored credentials found.
Authorization granted.
Server listening on
🖥️ DIAMBRA environment started
INFO:diambra.arena.engine.interface:Trying to connect to DIAMBRA Engine server (timeout=600s)...
INFO:diambra.arena.engine.interface:... done.
🏟️ (8dd2) (0)Overwriting sys_settings provided by the user with command line / CLI ones
(0)Provided by the user:
🏟️ (8dd2)
🏟️ (8dd2) (0)Set via command line / CLI:
🏟️ (8dd2) emu_pipes_path: "/tmp/DIAMBRA/"
roms_path: "/opt/diambraArena/roms/"
binary_path: "/opt/diambraArena/mame/"
username: "deepesh"


.=######++======++##########=. ........ ... ....... ........... ........ ........ ............ ............ ...........
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                                                               DIAMBRA™ | Dueling AI Arena
                                                          https://diambra.ai - info@diambra.ai

                               Usage of this software is subject to our Terms of Use described at https://diambra.ai/terms

                                                           DIAMBRA, Inc. © Copyright 2018-2024

(0)Environment initialization ...
🏟️ (8dd2) Error: Cannot open "/opt/diambraArena/roms/doapp.zip": No such file or directory.
You need to put the Game rom file in the roms directory.

    Contact support on DIAMBRA Discord Server: https://diambra.ai/discord
                                    AND / OR

Open a ticket on our GitHub repository issue Tracker: https://github.com/diambra/arena/issues

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/dmaheshwari/Documents/genai/colosseum/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/diambra/arena/engine/interface.py", line 31, in env_init
response = self.client.EnvInit(env_settings_pb)
File "/Users/dmaheshwari/Documents/genai/colosseum/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/grpc/_channel.py", line 1176, in call
return _end_unary_response_blocking(state, call, False, None)
File "/Users/dmaheshwari/Documents/genai/colosseum/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/grpc/_channel.py", line 1005, in _end_unary_response_blocking
raise _InactiveRpcError(state) # pytype: disable=not-instantiable
grpc._channel._InactiveRpcError: <_InactiveRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
status = StatusCode.CANCELLED
details = "Cannot open "/opt/diambraArena/roms/doapp.zip": No such file or directory.
You need to put the Game rom file in the roms directory.
debug_error_string = "UNKNOWN:Error received from peer {grpc_message:"Cannot open "/opt/diambraArena/roms/doapp.zip": No such file or directory.\nYou need to put the Game rom file in the roms directory.\n", grpc_status:1, created_time:"2024-03-30T16:43:01.919338+05:30"}"

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/dmaheshwari/Documents/genai/colosseum/diambra_arena_gist.py", line 34, in
File "/Users/dmaheshwari/Documents/genai/colosseum/diambra_arena_gist.py", line 6, in main
env = diambra.arena.make("doapp", render_mode="human")
File "/Users/dmaheshwari/Documents/genai/colosseum/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/diambra/arena/make_env.py", line 43, in make
env = DiambraGym1P(env_settings)
File "/Users/dmaheshwari/Documents/genai/colosseum/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/diambra/arena/arena_gym.py", line 222, in init
File "/Users/dmaheshwari/Documents/genai/colosseum/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/diambra/arena/arena_gym.py", line 38, in init
self.env_info = self.arena_engine.env_init(self.env_settings.get_pb_request(init=True))
File "/Users/dmaheshwari/Documents/genai/colosseum/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/diambra/arena/engine/interface.py", line 33, in env_init
Exception: DIAMBRA Arena failed to connect to the Engine Server. Are you running it with DIAMBRA CLI: diambra run python script.py?

See the docs (https://docs.diambra.ai) for additional details, or join DIAMBRA Discord Server (https://diambra.ai/discord) for support.
🖥️ Couldn't run: exit status 1

Hi @deepesh17feb , thanks for reaching out.

As the environment says:

status = StatusCode.CANCELLED
details = "Cannot open "/opt/diambraArena/roms/doapp.zip": No such file or directory.
You need to put the Game rom file in the roms directory.

it was not able to find the "doapp.zip" rom in the roms directory.

In fact, your check-roms command shows that you only have one and is Street Fighter III, while the diambra_arena_gist.py example by default launched Dead Or Alive:

env = diambra.arena.make("doapp", render_mode="human")

So, you have to either add Dead Or Alive rom to the roms folder, or change the environment name in diambra_arena_gist.py to launch SFIII

Please confirm this solves the error and if so close the issue, thanks!