
Generator Workflow

Opened this issue · 2 comments

How do I go about adding bindings for a library with GIR (gstreamer in my case specifically)? Is the generated code meant to be final, and fixing problems with it should be done by adjusting the generator, or is it meant to serve as a basis and be edited manually to fix Problems with it?
I haven't found any specifics on that anywhere yet

I very much want to help out with this library, but I don't really know where to start or how to go about it

Is the generated code meant to be final, and fixing problems with it should be done by adjusting the generator, or is it meant to serve as a basis and be edited manually to fix Problems with it?

There's an API in the generator that allows modifying the GIR repositories before generation as well as adding files for after generation. There's also a filtering API to prevent certain (likely broken) APIs from being generated. https://github.com/diamondburned/gotk4-adwaita/ might be helpful.