
mumamo-fontify-region: Wrong number of arguments

Closed this issue · 11 comments

I've set up jekyll.el and jekyll-mumamo.el in my init.el:

;; Jekyll Blog Editing Mode
(require 'jekyll)
(add-to-list 'jekyll-modes-list '("xml" 'xml-mode))
(add-to-list 'jekyll-modes-list '("html" 'html-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("_\\(posts\\|drafts\\).*\\.md$" . jekyll-markdown-mumamo-mode))

Unfortunately, I get this when opening a simple Markdown post:

mumamo-fontify-region: Wrong number of arguments: (lambda (pos max) "Find yaml header.  Return range and 'yaml-mode.
See `mumamo-possible-chunk-forward' for POS and MAX." (mumamo-quick-chunk-forward pos max "---" "---" (quote borders) (quote yaml-mode))), 3

Any ideas?

The latest version needs to use nxhtml 2.09beta
What version are you using?

I tried again using the latest zipfile from here. I still get the same error.

FWIW, (mumamo-post-command-1) shows this:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments (lambda (pos max) "Find yaml header.  Return range and 'yaml-mode.
See `mumamo-possible-chunk-forward' for POS and MAX." (mumamo-quick-chunk-forward pos max "---" "---" (quote borders) (quote yaml-mode))) 3)
  mumamo-chunk-yaml(1 1 10625)
  mumamo-find-next-chunk-values(nil nil nil nil)
  mumamo-find-chunks-1(150 "post-command-get-chunk")
  mumamo-find-chunks(150 "post-command-get-chunk")
  eval-expression((mumamo-post-command-1) nil)
  call-interactively(eval-expression nil nil)

I tested with this version https://github.com/emacsmirror/nxhtml
And it worked...could you verify?

Are you using Emacs 23 or 24?

I'm using emacs 24

this commit faeb08d was when I still used emacs 23 and I think nxhtml 1.98

I tried using jekyll.el and jekyll-mumamo.el at that revision with GNU Emacs 23.2 and nXhtml 2.08.

When opening a blog post I get,

 File mode specification error: (void-function jekyll-markdown-mumamo-mode)

My apologies for not being more helpful. I'm trying to avoid testing every combination of Emacs, minimal configuration, nXhtml version and jekyll.el version.

hey man I haven't been able to get it working with 2.08, my recommendation use nxhtml 2.09 from emacsmirror/nxhtml

I tried with emacs 23.4 and it also works fine.

Could you get this to work?

Hi, I got the same problem, with emacs 24.1.1 and nxhtml 2.09beta checked out from emacsmirror/nxhtml anything else I could try?

Can you try something like:
(require 'jekyll)
(require 'jekyll-mumamo)

If this doesn't work...can you paste me a stack trace or something? Also make sure nxhtml is loaded before trying to load this. I'm using el-get and it does some stuff with autoloads that's maybe why I don't have problems.

I had the same error, but I realized I was using nxhtml 2.08. I upgraded to 2.09-beta, and jekyll-markdown-mumamo-mode works nicely now. This is on Emacs 24.2.