
Use the default aspect in mobile version

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I choose the "public" aspect by default in my settings, but the mobile version uses the old behavior, sharing with all aspect by default. It should respect the settings.

Diaspora* version:
Diaspora* pod: framasphere.org
Phone: Nexus 6P, Android 7.1.1
Browser: Firefox Nightly 54.0a1

As the default aspect can be multiple aspects, this is blocked by #7080 we need to be able to select multiple aspects in the mobile publisher first.

@pskosinski if you want to work on this please open a PR that fixes #7080 first, and then a new one for this issue. Smaller PRs are easier to review.

I also noticed that the section in the settings to set the default aspects is hidden on mobile (makes sense as it isn't working on mobile at the moment anyway), so this should also be changed when this gets fixed.