
wiki.diasporafoundation.org site deploy steps for CentOS 8 refer to diaspora.yml.example, file no longer in master

wvw999 opened this issue · 2 comments

The wiki deploy steps refer to /diaspora/config/diaspora.yml.example, but the file now shipping with master is diaspora.toml.example


Additionally, there are no instructions for what to do with this file in the deploy steps.

The steps for Ubuntu also contain this info, others may also need an update.

jhass commented

The master branch still uses diaspora.yml: https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/tree/master/config

You're probably looking at our default branch, which is develop.

We will update the guides in time with the next release switching to diaspora.toml of course.

Ah, yes- I was working through the steps for a development install- I will revise the issue to refer to those instructions