
Feature: Count submitted reports for post per user

tclaus opened this issue · 1 comments

Lessons learned by a new podmin:
If a users post is reported (and handled / deleted) by a admin, these should be count.
So after a time, an admin can see which user has more or less complaints.

This makes the process of blocking user easier, if you can see if a complaint was just a single failure or if it is by intention.

An additional idea came up to also count the Reporters: https://discourse.diasporafoundation.org/t/better-abilities-for-podmins-for-spam-analytics-and-controls/3896/6?u=tclaus

The Reports table has nearly everything what is needed, just sum up the reports.
A Podmin should avoid deleting a report.

What is missing, is a field that describes if the report was "OK" or Not OK" in Terms of if the report lead to an action or not.