
/tags/ multi hashtag compositions

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Now i can subscribe to #exemple
I can also subscribe to #other

I would like to subscribe #other+#exemple
In this feed, in only want message with #other AND #exemple hashtags.

Can i do this now in diaspora ? If yes, how diaspora can help me to know it is possible ?
If no, any body else would like to have this feature ? some body know how to add it ?

I thought about synonyms or aliases of tags. Do you have tags in mind with same meaning or do you like to narrow your topic?
However, I like the idea to concat searches by "+"

There's a fairly long Discourse thread, in which this and other ideas of expanding the function of the tag stream were discussed: https://discourse.diasporafoundation.org/t/improving-and-expanding-hashtags-usability/213

@goobertron Now I lost my good mood... "Multi Word Tags", Tag searches by {} .. AND / OR Includes / Excludes.. Oh my..

But I still like the Idea to search for more than one tag