
Appending to a post's tags in tests

hasandiwan opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm attempting to add openpgp-signed StatusUpdates to diaspora, if there's a 'signed' tag:


if @s.tag_list.member?('signed') then
pgp_sign @s

It's quite straightforward to code, but I'd now like to verify this functionality works. What I have so far is:


@s.tag_list = ActsAsTaggableOn::TagList.new(:signed)
=> ["signed"]
=> []


jhass commented

The forum might be a little bit better avenue for such talk than the issue tracker :)

StatusMessage includes Diaspora::Taggable

include Diaspora::Taggable

Which defines a before validation hook

before_validation :build_tags # build tags before validation fixs the too long tag name issue #5737

that sets the tag list from what's parsed from the message body

def build_tags
self.tag_list = tag_strings
def tag_strings
MessageRenderer::Processor.normalize(send(self.class.field_with_tags) || "")

In other words a message's tags are not meant to be a generic metadata attachment system, they're purely there to support the hashtagging feature.