
replacing simple_captcha2 with recapchat-rails

hasandiwan opened this issue · 6 comments

According to this -- and verified with the github repository -- simple_captcha has not been updated in years. I'm now trying to put recapcha into haml and can't figure out how to make the rendering of a block blank. So far, I have:

    = flash.each do |key, value|
      %p (class: notice)
      %p (class: alert)

unless flash.empty? renders '{}', which is the same as the above renders. Any ideas? Many thanks (in advance)!

 = flash.each do |key, value|
      .alert{ :class => "alert-#{key}" }
        %button.close{ :data => { :dismiss => "alert" } } x
          = value   

Gives me the same thing -- "{}"

Got it... replacing the = with a "-", leaving the block looking like:

 - flash.each do |key, value|                                                                                                                                                        
      .alert{ :class => "alert-#{key}" }
        %button.close{ :data => { :dismiss => "alert" } } x
          = value

seems to have fixed it.

Hello and thank you for your interest in diaspora*.
To replace simple_captcha would be nice, however recaptcha is tracking users, so another solution would be better. If you have one which is working please open a pull request ;)

@Flaburgan I hie made a test on my pod with "Invisible Captcha". No bothering of the user, helping impaired people an - invisible.
Seems to work well. Like PR?

I totally agree with hasadiwan. There should be a more advanced captcha solution for user registration. The current one is very bad at preventing bot registrations. As a pod maintainer I get loads of bot spam registrations on my pod...

ReCaptcha seems to be a good option. I think it should be integrated, at least for registration. It should be configurable whether recaptcha is used or the old captcha. If podmins care about user tracking, they can use the old one (I don't care. Preventing bot spam is more important for me).