
API POST /api/v1/photos 500s when ImageMagick fails

jhass opened this issue · 2 comments

jhass commented

I received the following via an insporation bug report:

Failed to post /api/v1/photos: 500 - Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick, maybe it is not an image? Original Error: `magick identify /home/<>/diaspora/tmp/1662450096-729914422291568-0007-3710/scaled_image_picker3810789734976847422.jpg` failed with error: identify: no decode delegate for this image format `VIDEO' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/572. 

We probably should handle this error case more gracefully in the API.

Hi @jhass i would likw to be a contributor in this Project
can you assign this task to me? i'm currently Setting up the Project

jhass commented

Welcome! No worries just work on it, I'm sure no one else is currently 🙂