
Please make a new stable release with ruby 3.1

Closed this issue · 2 comments

As ruby 2.7 is no longer supported and 1.0 release can take a while. Suggested by Fla here https://mastodon.social/@fla/111764549297906300

As https://endoflife.date/ruby support Ended 9 months ago (31 Mar 2023). We managed to fix this with two patches

https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/diaspora-installer/-/blob/master-sid/debian/ruby3.patch?ref_type=heads and

But it'd be nice to have an officially supported version so we don't have to keep maintaining that patch for long.

What Fla said in his social media post was correct. We have concrete plans for that, well knowing that we can't finish a 1.0 anytime soon. But no timeline, as there is a bit of stuff left to fix that's actually broken right now. We will release a version as soon as we're ready to do so.

This isn't a bug either way, so I'm closing this.

@denschub I couldn't see any recent issues indicating serious bugs, so I was wondering exactly what sort of breakages we were looking at. And while I understand that stable release might take some time, is there any point in expecting any interim/pre releases? If that could be done, it'll help a lot.