
This repo includes a harness and small set of benchmarks for comparing performance between OpenJDK and TeaVM/Wasmtime in a multi-tenant fuction-as-a-service (FaaS) environment. In such an environment, each invocation of a function must be isolated from others to ensure security and statelessness.

Each case is benchmarked using four different strategies:

  • Using OpenJDK's JNI Invocation API. Each invocation reuses the same JVM.

  • As above, but forking a new process for each invocation.

  • Using GraalVM's native image compiler, forking a new process for each invocation.

  • Using TeaVM-WASI to target WebAssembly, which is run in Wasmtime. Each invocation uses a new module instance.

Running the benchmarks


  • POSIX-compatible OS (due to the use of the fork system call)
  • Rust
  • A recent OpenJDK (e.g. apt install openjdk-18-jdk-headless)
  • GraalVM (I used GraalVM CE
  • Maven (e.g. apt install maven)
  • (Optional) wasm-opt (e.g. apt install binaryen)

Build the test cases

Adjust GRAALVM_HOME according to where you've installed it.

export GRAALVM_HOME=/opt/graalvm-ce-java17-
(cd apps && mvn -Pnative -DskipTests package)
# optionally run `wasm-opt`:
for x in mandelbrot nbody pidigits spectralnorm simple hello; do
  wasm-opt -O3 -s 0 --strip apps/$x/target/generated/wasm/teavm-wasm/classes.wasm -o $x.wasm
  mv $x.wasm apps/$x/target/generated/wasm/teavm-wasm/classes.wasm

Run the benchmarks

Adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH according to where is in your OpenJDK installation.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-18-openjdk-amd64/lib/server/ cargo +nightly bench

Note that you may want to run the jvm_fork_* tests separately since performance varies considerably when they are run as a group:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-18-openjdk-amd64/lib/server/
for test in hello mandelbrot nbody pidigits simple spectralnorm; do
  cargo +nightly bench jvm_fork_$test;

Sample results (Ubuntu 22.04, OpenJDK 18, GraalVM 21, Intel Core i7-7600U CPU @ 2.80GHz, 16GB RAM)

test tests::graalvm_native_fork_hello        ... bench:   1,318,046 ns/iter (+/- 84,765)
test tests::graalvm_native_fork_mandelbrot   ... bench:   5,258,110 ns/iter (+/- 82,574)
test tests::graalvm_native_fork_nbody        ... bench:   3,111,981 ns/iter (+/- 370,911)
test tests::graalvm_native_fork_pidigits     ... bench:   3,064,349 ns/iter (+/- 125,472)
test tests::graalvm_native_fork_simple       ... bench:   5,713,054 ns/iter (+/- 266,653)
test tests::graalvm_native_fork_spectralnorm ... bench:   3,214,552 ns/iter (+/- 155,000)

test tests::jvm_direct_hello                 ... bench:         834 ns/iter (+/- 3,151)
test tests::jvm_direct_mandelbrot            ... bench:   3,498,878 ns/iter (+/- 78,412)
test tests::jvm_direct_nbody                 ... bench:     984,568 ns/iter (+/- 44,228)
test tests::jvm_direct_pidigits              ... bench:     559,801 ns/iter (+/- 119,735)
test tests::jvm_direct_simple                ... bench:   3,622,829 ns/iter (+/- 70,974)
test tests::jvm_direct_spectralnorm          ... bench:   1,439,085 ns/iter (+/- 76,239)

test tests::jvm_fork_hello                   ... bench:   1,078,744 ns/iter (+/- 84,383)
test tests::jvm_fork_mandelbrot              ... bench:   4,696,560 ns/iter (+/- 292,668)
test tests::jvm_fork_nbody                   ... bench:   2,601,483 ns/iter (+/- 334,997)
test tests::jvm_fork_pidigits                ... bench:   6,695,635 ns/iter (+/- 259,430)
test tests::jvm_fork_simple                  ... bench:   4,739,120 ns/iter (+/- 121,038)
test tests::jvm_fork_spectralnorm            ... bench:   2,281,307 ns/iter (+/- 61,762)

test tests::teavm_hello                      ... bench:      69,947 ns/iter (+/- 6,950)
test tests::teavm_mandelbrot                 ... bench:   3,476,083 ns/iter (+/- 285,846)
test tests::teavm_nbody                      ... bench:   4,899,842 ns/iter (+/- 564,920)
test tests::teavm_pidigits                   ... bench:   3,469,015 ns/iter (+/- 430,097)
test tests::teavm_simple                     ... bench:   7,162,484 ns/iter (+/- 674,441)
test tests::teavm_spectralnorm               ... bench:   1,758,527 ns/iter (+/- 293,928)