
Module 'dicompylercore' has no attribute 'dose'

TBurlacu-tud opened this issue · 2 comments

Problem is in the title. I tried doing

from dicompylercore import dose

# Dose grid summation with (tri-linear) interpolation if dose grids are not spatially coincident
grid_1 = dose.DoseGrid(dose_file_1)
grid_2 = dose.DoseGrid(dose_file_2)

as per the documentation. I also tried accessing it directly using dicompylercore.dose.DoseGrid('/foo/bar/rtdose.dcm'). Both of them returned the same lack the 'dose' attribute/name.

I'm unable to reproduce this. What version of dicompyler-core are you using?

Try downgrading dicompyler-core to version 0.5.6. This worked for me.