
Client breaks/Getting timeouts when long `Text()` gets executed

dylan-chong opened this issue · 3 comments

If I say something very long like the text below into my grammar (which has
structure Sentence <dictation>, then I encounter some problems.

Sentence Hello world this is a test that is testing very very very very long text
because after saying this very very very long text the server breaks and gets a
timeout warning

Problem 1: timeout

I get this warning:

Socket error connecting to aenea server. To avoid slowing dictation, we won't
try again for 5 seconds.

Problem 2: the client never reconnects.

If I say a command after the typing (of the long message) has finished, then
the client breaks. Even waiting 30 minutes does not allow client to
reconnect. I restart my vim to fix this

Funnily enough, if I do not see the command soon enough after the typing (of the long message) has
finished, this problem does not occur.

Hmmm I frequently use long Text()s and have not seen this. What behavior does the server exhibit? Maybe try sending the equivalent RPC from a Python shell to rule out client side issues?

It's odd that the client does not reconnect. I'm guessing that the reason if you don't send the command soon it means the client does not try again, and thus does not run into it. The client is supposed to do a backoff and reconnect, so in theory even if you stopped and restarted the server, it should reconnect.

Not directly sure how to fix this, just some thoughts.

How might i send an equivalent rpc from a python shell?