
Has anyone tried a newer version of dragon (13, 14, etc)

dylan-chong opened this issue · 8 comments

There might be some accuracy and speed benefits of using a newer version of dragon

I've been using Dragon NaturallySpeaking since version 9. I noticed a big jump in performance in recognition latency and accuracy going from version v12 to v13 and a marginal jump to v15. One aspect I do like about v15 as I can have multiple audio sources in one user profile. To get in-depth an analysis read Knowbrainer DNS Reviews. Old DNS versions reviews can be found on their Wiki

Overall my personal recommendation is if you're using anything less than DNS 13 it's time for an upgrade. DNS 15 home just was released In the last 6 months.

Thank you! I'll be definitely willing to try out version 13. Have you tried version 13 with Aenea?

I currently don't have Aenea set up at the moment. Although I will soon as I'm working to help implement Aenea Support in the Caster project. I know a number of people that use Aenea with DNS versions 13 through 15 without issues. Aenea set up seems to be pretty brittle but that separate from the speech recognition engine.

Sounds good. Do you know of anyone who i talk to in case i encounter problems?

Sure, I'm not an expert but we do have some helpful people Caster Gitter Chat Channel

Make sure to get the latest Natlink and utilize community fork of Dragonfly after uninstalling t4ngo/dragonfly via pip.

Thanks. Am using dragonfly2 package.

I plan on updating on the documentation for setting up this project. Trying out dragon thirteen will be a good opportunity to do this. I will get in touch with them, and update my progress here!

It'd be awesome to get Aenea working with Caster, I'm glad to hear you're working on that!

It appears dragon 13 is working well