
Statistics calculation issue

paulfioravanti opened this issue · 5 comments

I finally got to a point where I have exhausted all the outlines Typey Type has available. The screen displayed "100% completion" before I had completed the final "Top 10000 Project Gutenberg words" exercise, but when I did, my final stats were that I had successfully typed 10347 words, and completed 100% of 10,000 words:


The Lessons Progress stats displayed as follows:


The text is a bit small, so I'll enumerate here the lessons in which the stats would lead me to believe there are still words left to stroke, but upon clicking through to them, I would be greeted with a "There are no words to write" screen:

  • Multi-syllable words with prefixes · 911 of 927
  • Multi-syllable words with suffixes · 1362 of 1380
  • Multi-syllable words with doubled consonant letters · 1186 of 1201
  • Multi-syllable words with multiple strokes · 3372 of 3431
  • Fingerspelling · 26 of 52
  • Punctuation · 29 of 30
  • Top 1000 words · 998 of 1000
  • Top 10000 Project Gutenberg words · 9928 of 10000

For analysis purposes, here is my Typey Type progress JSON file which gets me the output.

As an aside to this issue, Typey Type is amazing software, and I'm thrilled to be able to have gotten to "completion" 😄

This is probably fixed in 8c93178 just like #20

Congrats again on finishing!

Hey @didoesdigital, I've just put up a new gist of my progress file as of 07 March 2021 (not sure what happened to the original one linked...).

After loading it into Typey Type, I can see that there are still issues around the counting, though the lessons where there are inconsistencies are slightly different than outlined in the original issue. Perhaps there's something amiss with my progress file...?

Opening each of the lessons where there is a delta shows a "There are no words to write." message.

Hmmm… Thanks for updating the gist for testing.

I've found at least one source of trouble: the "Simple typography" setting will change a back tick to into a single quote, decide that you haven't typed it because it's not in your met words for the purposes of calculating "progress", then decide you've already seen it for the purposes of showing "new words" in the lesson.

I've review all the code for presenting material and align the progress calculation to match. Thanks!

After checking out the changes in didoesdigital/typey-type#63, running locally, and loading the same progress file, this is what I get for sections where "There are no words to write":


  • One-syllable words with multiple strokes · 144 of 145
  • Multi-syllable words with prefixes · 905 of 920
  • Multi-syllable words with suffixes · 1363 of 1375
  • Multi-syllable words with doubled consonant letters · 1190 of 1202
  • Multi-syllable words with multiple strokes · 3372 of 3416
  • Top 10000 Project Gutenberg words · 9942 of 10000

With the progress file as-is, I was not able to advance any further with inputting new words to add to the stats.

Next, though, I went and put the progress file through the reformatting process, and then worked my way through the remaining delta with the "exact spacing" settings. This enabled me to get all my stats back up!

Here is the gist for my-now-new progress file, and a screenshot of Typey Type running locally with the full set of progress:


Putting the contents of this new progress file back into Typey Type on production, the stats issues still persist, so I would say that the changes in didoesdigital/typey-type#63 look like they fix the problem, so when that's merged in, I'd say this issue can be closed! 🎉

Woohoo! 🎉

Thanks for testing the fix @paulfioravanti and confirming the improvement! 👏 It is now merged.