
Insure project web site

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I notice the following site does not use TLS.

Well I have reason to believe this site may be safe I tend to no longer browse to any web site that is insure. At a minimum any marginally trustworthy site should use TLS, secured with a certificate signed by a reputable CA, so the lack of this is a red flag for me. What I want to see beyond the basic security offered by TLS is evidence a recognised registration authority has been engaged with and server signing certificate acquired.

I strongly believe the web must become much safer and secure and that legitimate safe yet insure sites undermine this by continuing to temp users to lower their guard. In particular those that are technologically naïve such as the some elderly, very young, and others that don't engage with understanding technology, and often are the victims of malicious actors. With the internet you can not go to a web site to check to see if it is safe, there is no looking and checking it out first before entering.