
get message value

Closed this issue · 2 comments

how can I get message value to set on react page?, I really tried a lot things, without success

Hey @HimorriveL, I didn't understand what u are trying to do, can you provide us some code so we can take a deeper look on what's happening?

Hi diego3g, yesterday I finally resolve this problem

on bridge.ts:
const events:any ={};

export const api = {

on1(event:any, handler:any) {
events[event] = handler;
send1(event:any, data:any) {
events[event](event, data);
removeAllListeners1(event:any) {
events[event] = undefined;

on Greetings/index.tsx

const [listingsCount, setListingsCount] = useState(0);

useEffect(() => {
window.Main.on1('count-listings', (event:any, count:any) => {
window.Main.send1('count-listings', 2);
return function cleanup() {
}, []);

const handleSayHello = useCallback(async () => {
window.Main.send1('count-listings', 666);
}, []);

return (
alt="ReactJS logo"
<Text>An Electron boilerplate including TypeScript, React, Jest and ESLint.</Text>
<Button onClick={handleSayHello}>Send message to main process</Button>