
3 representations of the most listened music by genre, loudness, popularity and danceability


3 representations of the most listened music by genre, loudness, popularity and danceability.

I found a Spotify dataset scrolling on Kaggle and I thought was a good excuse to sharpen my skills in Tableau since I haven't done a lot in the platform. The dataset can be found here: https://www.kaggle.com/leonardopena/top50spotify2019 and represent the most listened songs on 2019. It is also in this repo in csv format.

The results were predictable; more than 30% of the most popular genres contain the word "pop" and 2 of them are the most listened genres. As a little of my opinion, easy to listen genres for average music listeners are the most popular ones. As a rock lover this bugs me but #respect.

genre-loudness-length genre-danceability