
Can querymen automatically handle lowercase vs uppercase searches

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I have one entry like this

{"english": "Exact count-per-interval interobserver agreement (IOA)"}

when i query for ?english=exact

i get 0 return from postman

when i query for ?english=Exact

i get the correct response.

Is there a way to tell querymen, 'dont worry about lowercase vs uppercase'?

how can we force querymen to ignore this?

Try to pass normalize: true to the field properties in query().

type: RegExp should solve this as well.

Hey man! Thank you!

I added in English and Spanish as specific query criteria and changed their type from 'string' to 'RegExp' and this is now working perfectly! I can change it back to string on a different endpoint to have a more strict search criteria! This is perfect for my needs!

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Cool! I guess you don't need operator: '$regex' as type: RegExp will already handle it.