
test KO after creating the API

Nesslax opened this issue · 4 comments

I just installed the API and added 1 entity,
After following the steps in the video, I cant run any thing
I tried to do npm test

Test Suites: 6 failed, 6 total
Tests:       83 failed, 83 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        28.513s
Ran all test suites.

can someone help me please?

GET /broadcasts/:id 200

  Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 10000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.Error: Timeout - Async callback was not invoked within the 10000ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout.

    at mapper (node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/queueRunner.js:27:45)

Are you following the instructions on https://github.com/diegohaz/rest#playing-locally?

Are you following the instructions on https://github.com/diegohaz/rest#playing-locally?

I did follow the instructions but I'm getting the same error.

So just to clarify, I have mongo running in the background, then in a terminal, I run npm run dev and in another one, I run npm test and It doesn't work.

I tried to run just npm test, without the npm run dev and I get the same result.

my node version is 12.4.0

Should be fixed with this pr: #246

Should be fixed with this pr: #246

That was fast hahaha.

Thank you so much for that, it solved the problem.