
Heroku no MongoLab addon

Angelk90 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @diegohaz ,

I am trying to run the procedure to be able to use the bees on heroku, but I am having several problems.

It seems that heroku no longer supports MongoLab addon.

It would be possible to write the correct procedure to be able to upload bees to heroku.

When I try to load the bees generated via rest, I get the following error could you give me a hand?


Since as you mentioned Heroku stopped offering a free tier Mongodb instance, you can instead signup for a free tier instance over here https://cloud.mongodb.com.

Once you have setup the MongoDB instance, you can change the MongoDB url in you project /services/config file to point to it.

@AdamGoodApp : I did, but it didn't work. So I wanted to open an issue to report the case and then I'm also having the problem you see in the image so the bees are not working.
@diegohaz : Could you give me a hand?