
1. UX/UI

diegolameira opened this issue · 1 comments

Creative Process

To get a successfull application from the very ground up, I take a step backward before development so I can be sure that the interface will be fine for usage.

So I need to follow some steps to get my final layout:

  1. Benchmarking: Seek for inspiration, find some ideas from community
  2. Information Arquitecture: Define where things going to be, looking for patterns
  3. Brainstorming: Drawing roughly some sketches by hand, all ideas on paper
  4. Layouting: Low fidelity layout (no need to have colors or be the final result)
  5. Prototyping: Set layouts as insteractive prototype
  6. Loop: Whenever something is not good enough on prototype (even for improve to a high fidelity), rollback to whatever step
  7. Result: the prototype to be develop
  8. Bônus!

This may be tedious when you dont have someone to validate your ideas, but it's a great process to refine a good product at the end.

1. Benchmarking

Easy, I've just made a simple and small Pinterest Board.


2. Information Arquitecture

This could be a bigger step in a complex project.

But I'm keeping it simple just to focus on all the process, so here we got:

The app will have 4 main screens:

  1. Map: a map visualization where it can be pinned every where, and a button to locate device on map, triggering a pin on it
  2. List: a list only visualization of nearby places
  3. Search: search over nearby list or other places, it will have map and update as user inputs and filter places from Google's API
  4. Detail: a screen to show the city selected in detail with weather informations

Navigation will be done on a bottom tab navigation on smaller screens so user can have ease access through it finger tips.

7. Result (skiped the documentation of 3~6)


Phones: Tablets/Desktop:
Open mobile prototype Open desktop prototype
image image

Bônus: Logo development

There is no Great Product without a Great Brand, so I designed a logo:


I guess you know well where did come my inspiration 😅

Well, thats all we need for now.