
Request verify like wiremock

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Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Some external integrations are done without waiting for a response, it is desirable to be able to check at least how many times the endpoit has been called and in some scenarios check the request details.
This feature is based on wiremock verify (http://wiremock.org/docs/verifying/)

Describe the solution you'd like

  • Include option to config file to enable "save" requests details
  • Save all request details in memory
  • Expose a API with same prefix (/__admin) or other port (config port) to query requests:
    • Ex:
      • POST to /requests/count
        body: { "method": "POST", "url": "/resource/to/count" }
        response: { "count": 4 }
  • Expose API to reset requests stored

Describe alternatives you've considered
For a first release just the request count option filtering for url match and method would be very good