
Serials keep incrementing despite begin_test_transaction

SmartMonkey-git opened this issue · 3 comments



  • Rust: rustc 1.74.1 (a28077b28 2023-12-04)
  • Diesel: 2.1.0 and diesel_async: 0.4.1
  • Database: Postgres 15.3
  • Operating System MacOs Sonoma 14.0

Feature Flags

  • diesel: diesel_async

Problem Description

Serial columns keep incrementing between test runs despite begin_test_transaction.

What are you trying to accomplish?

I'm trying to run a test in succession, that asserts the value of a serial column.

What is the expected output?

Every time I run this test, I get the same value for that column.

What is the actual output?

The value increments with every run of the test.

Are you seeing any additional errors?


Steps to reproduce

  • Establish connection to DB
  • Run begin_test_transaction
  • Insert a new instance into a table with a serial column
  • Assert the value of said column
  • Run the test again


  • [ x ] This issue can be reproduced on Rust's stable channel. (Your issue will be
    closed if this is not the case)
  • This issue can be reproduced without requiring a third party crate

Can you explain:

  • Why you believe that is an issue in diesel?
  • Why you believe that this would be the expected behavior?

Hey @weiznich,

Why you believe that is an issue in diesel?

I believe that in a progressed test suite this can lead to problems, where earlier tests leave these changes in the db.

Why you believe that this would be the expected behavior?

Because, I would expect the database to be in the same state as if I would relaunch it.

Thank you for your fast answer! It was unexpected.

Closed as expected behavior as this is just how postgres handles sequences while rolling back transactions: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/functions-sequence.html