API - Clean
dieslnikolas opened this issue · 4 comments
dieslnikolas commented
Separate applications to
- Mininal .NET 7 SDK API
- ReactrJS
- Electron Shell
dieslnikolas commented
Clean https://khalilstemmler.com/articles/software-design-architecture/coding-without-di-container/
- Controlers
- Settings
- Get
- Create
- Edit
- Delete
- Project
- Get
- Create
- Edit
- Delete
- Script
- Get
- Create
- Edit
- Delete
- Module
- Get
- Create
- Edit
- Delete
- Data
- Get
- Create
- Edit
- Delete
- ScriptType
- Get
- Settings
- Decorators
- Controller
- Action
- Application
- Routes???
- API result model
- Model T Business model
- Validations
- Issucess
- Contracts
- Repositories
- Project
- Settings
- Script
- Module
- Data
- ScriptType
- Contexts???
- Services???
- Repositories
- Validations
- Models
- By Repos
- Services
- Implementation
- Implementation
- Repositories
- OpenApi 3 https://www.npmjs.com/package/express-openapi #5
- Loging and testing #6
- Nodemon and ts-node for better testing https://rsbh.dev/blog/rest-api-with-express-typescript #7
- JSON database https://github.com/typicode/lowdb/tree/main/examples #8
dieslnikolas commented
Fuck clean architecture. Keep it simple. There is only a few methods. Just write it down. Refactor later
dieslnikolas commented
- Json based DB
- minimal net core api
- spawn api proces on localhost with electron
- electron will generate some secrer and use it for renderer proces and api (as bearer token)
- delete all business code from frontend
- read configuration inside api it frontend
- dont support pwgene as is just enable conversion (load pwgene to our structure)
dieslnikolas commented
This is not relevant anymore. Closing